P-Force System Kft.
Personal- and property protection
P-Force System Kft. was established in 2019, its owners previously worked as security consultants at other security companies.
P-Force System Kft. guarantees its increasingly successful operation by consistently adhering to strict quality assurance standards in live security services, along with the appropriate local knowledge, the ability to navigate the most complex relational systems, and professional screening techniques. The most important foundation of the organizational structure is the expertise assigned to specific tasks and the acquisition and possession of necessary information, which intelligent solutions to events inevitably require. Our company always strives to fully meet the requirements set by others, with a workforce that matches expectations.
The services of P-Force System Kft. represent the full range of asset protection and are provided by well-trained martial artists, commandos, former police officers, and security personnel who participate in continuous training. All of our employees are highly trained and qualified professionals; our company specifically screens to employ trained security personnel.
Our security guards have a clearly distinguishable, uniform outfit and identification cards, fully tailored to the client's requirements. We carry out the service and inspections, taking into account the characteristics of the facility, through random checks during both daytime and nighttime.
MiReHu, REGIHU, Újgyőri Piac Felsőruszin távhővezeték Ügyfélszolgálat, szemere út 5., Bobo KFt, M3 Park Sercvice Kft., MIREND-Sec Kft., M3PARK SERVICE Kft., VIlágmárkák napjai, Miskolci Egyesített Szociális, Egészségügyi és Gyermekjóléti Intézmény, M3PARK SERVICE Kft VIlágmárkák napjai Ady Endre Múvelődési ház : Illés Klub, Kemény Dénes Sport Uszoda Serdülő Vízilabda mérkőzés, Gyermek Vízilabda Mérkőzés Ifjúsági Vízilabda Mérkőzés, Miskolc Szent István Tér, Kerekes band, Bohemian Betyars, Paddy and the Rats, Forradalmi menet a villanyrendőrtől a Szent István térig, Szent István tér- forradalmi bulinegyed, The Sign, Brains Hooligans, Zámborszky Eszter, Guliba társulat, Csodamalom bábszínház Toborozó, Bárdos Zsuzsanna Fől Fől vitézek, HUN-Therm Kft, Bobo Kft,Tolcsvai Szirmay- Waldbott Kastély Látogatóközpont